How To Tell If She’s A Gold Digger?

Here’s an epic video of a random guy picking up hot chicks in a Lambo. Only this time, it comes with a twist…You have probably already seen this video by the epic YouTube prankster VitalyzdTv. It’s a classical “getting hot girls with money bait” stint but this time with a little twist.  The guy approaches girls in his Lambo, and they get into the car…but wait…what does he say you ask?

He says absolutely nothing. Just a little wave of a finger was enough to pick up a load of Miami girls. The video even felt awkward to watch at one point…with a lot of “OMG no they didn’ts” from our crew.

So, we decided to go on and collect 7 clear signs for you to check if the person you’re into has the gold digging potential.

7. She Likes Expensive Gifts

6. She’s curious about your financial status from day 1

5. She never offers to pay

4. She likes using her looks for short-term gain

3. She’s obsessed with people’s status

2. She uses men as stepping stones

1. She feels entitled to good life without feeling the need to lift a diamond-encrusted finger to achieve it.

After reading our 7 hot signs, here comes the question: What would your reaction be if a stranger waved at you from a hot Lambo? Vote and comment below your thoughts.

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